Travis and Erin Wedding | Nevada City, NV

  1. JolieJye says:

    Congratulations !!

    The pictures are amazing. I am very proud to see my creation worn by Erin. Thank you for these pieces of happiness moments.

    JolieJye – Hand-made in France bridal accessories

  2. tina says:

    LOVE these shots!! The one on Flickr is beautiful too! My fave is the one where they’re walking out and you see all the bubbles – fun!! Looks like everyone had a great time and you certainly captured the love between these two!!

  3. Rob Macklin says:

    What a great collection of solid A string images!!!!

    Really nice work on the lighting. Their faces look so good! Just very nice creative work all around. Great job Anna!!

  4. Albert says:

    love these pictures. when i look at this awemsoe family i can’t help to smile with them. You guys did a great job capturing that bubbly personality there whole family has. love love love these.

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